Damage Control

If you recall, we experienced some damage over the winter. Here is an update on the repairs.

Three steps forward:

  1. A new panel is on order for the garage door that wasn’t damaged. This one from a different installer than the one I used to replace the damaged door.
  2. After three attempts, the AC unit was successfully repaired Wednesday.
  3. The new sink arrived much sooner than anticipated.

Two steps back:

  1. I discovered that both my extra freezer and fridge had been recalled in 2005, and the manufacturer went out of business in 2013. I have been instructed to discontinue use.
  2. I noticed flames shooting out of the pool heater. On the day of the scheduled repair (10 days after the incident), the repairman called in sick.

And then, with the arrival of Uncle Donald on the scene, a huge long jump forward:

  1. Dormer rot cut out and replaced.
  2. Trim rot in four other locations cut out and replaced.
  3. Front door exterior molding repaired. (His cleverness impressed me here – he was able to reuse the existing molding by swapping things around.)
  4. Sink installed.
  5. Porch railing replaced. (Again, very clever through a little swapping since the new post didn’t exactly match the old ones, and you know how I am about matching.)
  6. Roof shingles installed.
  7. Baseboard in family room caulked.
  8. Pool heater cleaned out and good to go.

As you can imagine from the above accomplishments, he is in pretty big demand within the family. My sister Chris has been waiting on him to do some work in her bathroom since around the time of his surgery. BUT I HAVE PAINTERS COMING. So I really needed him to do #1 and #3. Unfortunately, #1 turned into a big job and led to #2. And while he was here, I had him do #4 through #8. (By the way, I installed a door bell.)

Donald DormerDonald RoofDonald Railing

I am now ready for the painters. Even when they call to postpone.

On the days he has been here, we have been able to enjoy lunch on the porch. Over lunch one day, the conversation turned to his crazy next door neighbors (his parents, my grandparents) and their activities. Which made him think of a video he took while he was recovering from surgery and that he shared with me. That I must now share with you.

Keep in mind the subject of the video is 95, uses a walker, and needs to be near the tractor to pull himself up.


My work on the beach path now makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?



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6 Responses

  1. PAULINE Chaffee says:

    This one is historical……

  2. deb says:

    We have GOT to get you your own show on HG TV!!!! I’ll be your stylist!!!!

  3. Chris says:

    Yes Chris has been waiting since before David’s house was done. Stop hogging Uncle Donald!

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