10 Days with Caleb

After spending ten days with Caleb, I am back in Florida. In total, I was away six weeks, and I am ready to be outside in the sun and on the tennis courts. And now that Caleb is two weeks old, Meagan and Chris are more than ready to have Caleb to themselves. I’d like to think I was helpful over the course of those ten days, but I have been known for providing a little too much help at times in the past. We were getting close to that point, so I feel the timing of my departure was perfect.
That doesn’t mean I won’t miss holding his warm little body that fits so snuggly into the crook of my arm and staring into his perfect little face. And I really can’t emphasize that enough. He has a perfect little face. With so many expressions that make me laugh. Sometimes a grumpy little man. Sometimes a hungry baby bird. Sometimes beet red angry. Sometimes wide-eyed with inquisitiveness and his mouth formed in a tiny little “oh”. Sometimes with that look of “I have a full belly, and I’m perfectly comfortable right now in your arms so don’t even think about changing my diaper even though I stink.” Sometimes sound asleep in total obliviousness to both the joy and the havoc he has created.
And, oh, the havoc.
There’s the usual stuff. Like the funny trick of peeing in his own face which prompted the grumpy-little-man look. Then there was the time he made his parents pay the price for leaving the diaper bag at home on a trip to the pediatrician’s office.
In addition, his stay in the NICU impacted his weight gain, so his pediatrician has put his parents through their paces to feed him more. While we have been a bit anxious (and exhausted) because of those paces, he occaisionally has yet another look on his face that says “People. Chill. I’m fine.”
But what a good baby. Since the last time I had a baby, they have come up with two new inventions – the swaddle blanket and the white noise machine. When Caleb gets tired and fussy, we pop him into the swaddle and turn on the white noise machine, and he pretty much passes out.
Of course, because I had to let Caleb’s parents have him some of the time, I found ways to keep busy over the ten days I was there. Before Meagan even had the baby, I had plans to reorganize the kitchen. Once I got started, my reorganizing efforts overflowed into the living area, the front foyer, and the laundry room. And I may have done some reorganizing in the guest closet. And a touch in the main bath. When Chris was looking for his passport, I was able to tell him exactly where to look. My organizational endeavors also involved a few trips to Lowes and the drill being pulled out on multiple occasions.
I also had a battle with the fridge that, unfortunately, I lost. The fridge was pitching wildly from front to back, so I adjusted the levelers. Then the door wouldn’t close very well. So, with Dave’s help, I took the door off the hinges and adjusted the brackets. The door is now even harder to close. So they are getting a new fridge.
You are probably thinking that I drove my son-in-law crazy. But he was happy I helped him find his passport, he was thrilled with the new organization, and he has wanted a new fridge since they moved in over a year ago.
I’m not sure about Meagan though.
It was very odd for me seeing my daughter as a mother. I could sense that mother’s intuition vibe from her as she quietly consulted with her husband in making decisions regarding what was best for her son. During those times, I hung out in the kitchen eavesdropping while trying to find a new spot for the Tupperware. Thank goodness I was able to keep my mouth shut during those conversations (I think anyway), but that might have been because I agreed with all the decisions. We only had two points of contention. She thought I was pushing the binky a little too much, and I thought washing his clothes on delicate was not necessary. I backed off on both.
I am very proud of both of them as parents. A newborn is overwhelming. They are handling all of the challenges with level heads and humor and happiness. They’ve got this. They deserve some time together as a family.
However, I have already discussed my return trip with them. The Tupperware lids better be in the right spot.
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Gosh he already looks older! How cute!