Yearly Archive: 2016



I came to two realizations last week: My daughters – no matter how nasty they are – will, at some point, be stopped from succeeding. Phil is gone. I won’t talk further about the first since I don’t...



ICYMI stands for “in case you missed it”. I learned that as a result of spending so much time on the internet. In any event, here are some things that you might have missed....


Building a Wall

We will build a wall. And it will be a great wall. A huge wall. And we will build it using illegal rocks. And the purpose of the wall will not be to keep...


One Thing After Another

This is one of those posts that is very scary for me to publish. It might be way too personal from a family perspective. On the other hand, does it even come close to being...


Post Debate Analysis

I know some of you do not like Hillary. I know some of you support Trump. I know this because I’ve seen your Facebook posts, and I’ve had some very brief conversations with you...


In Search of a Common Goal

A large portion of the Excellente crew got together in North Carolina this past weekend. The excuse for the get-together was the Panther’s/Patriots’ pre-season game. Dave had gone last year, and my brother-in-law Matt...