Yearly Archive: 2016


Small Pleasures

Despite everything that is going on, there is still fun to be had. Like: A boat ride to Meredith for ice cream and the annual Memorial Day fair, even in the cold. Having my nephew...



Phil’s stay at the hospital continues. And continues. And continues. He has just about had it, which is more than understandable. But it will continue awhile longer. We’ve set up a sort of round...


In Motion

Two weeks and a day. That’s how long Phil has been in the hospital. The original surgery that went so well has been complicated with an infection. An infection that has done a number...


On Being Amazed

As any doting mother, I look on my children with amazement. They are smart, independent, caring, kind, personable, fun, talented, capable, responsible, strong, poised, and beautiful. And I’ll probably think of more complimentary adjectives...


Some Dark Humor

There’s been a bit of dark humor around these parts lately. Phil keeps on saying he and my mother are in a race to the finish line. Where the finish line is THE finish...


Carried Away

I know I promised not to show you yet another photo of my annual spring fire, but I couldn’t resist. There really hasn’t been that much brush in the yard to pick up this...


A Moment at Fenway

Dave and I went to the game yesterday. It was a gorgeous day for a game. Unfortunately, the game itself was not so gorgeous. As usual, I was a little freaked out, because sitting...


A Wheaton Lyon

Nicole recently made the decision to attend Wheaton College (the one in Massachusetts, not the one in Illinois). This past Friday Dave, Nicole, and I went there for their day where they hosted accepted...



As I mentioned in my previous post, I have joined a writing group. The way it works is every week a prompt goes up, we submit a response to that prompt, and then we...


Another Writing Project

You can blame all of this on Meagan. She is the one who got me started. Back when I first left my job, she sent me a job posting that she thought might interest...