6 Months
I’ve been blogging for six months now. When I first started, blogging was outside my comfort zone. It still is. Here are some of the fears I’ve had to overcome.
First, I’ve had to accept the fact that my blog will most likely not be the best blog ever. Years ago, my sister pointed me to a blogger, and I thought her blog was pretty awesome – the topics, the style, the humor, the photos, everything. I thought if I created a blog there was no way mine could be as good as hers, so why bother? But I went ahead and bothered anyway.
Second, I wondered if my family would think I was weird. Well, they do, but not necessarily because of this blog. A number of them seem to really like it, and I actually got them to post a comment or two.
I also worried about the Internet. It can be pretty cruel. So far no cruelty, except for a small (admittedly valid) criticism of my first photo. I’ve been told I don’t take criticism well. We will see how I react when I get my first Internet hater.
In addition to not being able to take criticism, I’ve been told I can be pretty negative. (I prefer “realistic”, but I may be biased.) With this blog, I’ve made a promise to myself to stay positive – which is not the same as sunny and cheerful. I know my limits. I think I’ve succeeded for the most part. (I realize there have been a few digs at my husband. I can’t help it. See below.)
I also worry that I will run out of things to write about. There have been a few times when someone has said to me “Oh, I can’t wait to see your blog about this,” and I panic because I have no idea what it is I’m going to write about “this”. Then I sit down at the keyboard. And I start. And sometimes I can’t type fast enough.
There are times when I hold my breath and hover my hand over the mouse before I am able to click “Publish”. Some of this stuff feels very personal to me, and it can be difficult to share. And of course I always worry about the missed grammatical error, spelling mistake, or formatting problem (those double spaces after periods can kill me.)
What are some of the things I like about blogging?
- The conversations I have with myself. Now that my family thinks is weird. A couple of years ago I posted on Facebook that I missed a turn while driving because I was day dreaming about organizing my Tupperware. Today I missed a turn because I was thinking about the things I wanted to put into this post. A little more interesting than Tupperware. (Okay, I am weird. Or it is at least questionable as to whether I should be allowed to drive.)
- There are a number of platitudes I don’t really agree with. One is “Don’t sweat the small stuff.” Sometimes people follow that platitude up with “And it’s all small.” I actually agree with that part of it. BUT THERE IS SO MUCH SMALL STUFF, HOW CAN YOU NOT SWEAT IT? ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE HOUSEHOLD SWEATING IT?
But, through blogging, I’ve made a discovery.
The small stuff can be pretty damn funny.
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