A Jumble of Thoughts
I rarely make it through the night without waking up at least once or twice. Sometimes, I get back to sleep fairly quickly. Other times, not so much. During the times I can’t fall back to sleep, thoughts of recent events, or worries, or to-dos usually race through my head. Sometimes, I even lie in bed thinking up blog posts based on those thoughts. Last night was one of those nights.
The problem is many of those imagined posts are not publishable because the people in my life don’t necessarily want me blabbing about them. And some I just need to process a little more myself.
At a high level, here are the events that have occurred in the past week (in chronological order, not in order of severity): a breakup, a speeding ticket, a stabbing at a party in town, and yet another cancer diagnosis. (Sorry for the teasers.)
When events of that nature happen, I find it difficult to publish blog posts on other more light-hearted and trivial events.
However, those type of events do continue to happen in concert with the more serious events.
One event I’d like to spend a tiny bit of time talking about is Super Tuesday.
- I was happy with the Democratic results.
- I very much liked Hillary’s speech. In particular: We don’t need to make America great again, we need to make America whole. We don’t need to build walls, we need to break down barriers. (paraphrased)
- I found it interesting that Donald didn’t know what she meant by “make America whole.”
- The argument between Van Jones and Jeffrey Lord was mesmerizing. The emotion that Jones conveyed, with amazing restraint, was raw and heartbreaking. For the life of me, I can’t understand how Lord didn’t get his point.
To end on a much lighter note, spring is in the air in these parts. (Well, there’s no snow in our backyard. I can’t remember the last time that has been the case at this time of year.) And spring means yard work. This spring, I brought in the big guns.

What’s missing?
Sometimes life knocks the wind out of your sails.
But usually the wind keeps you going whether you want to or not.
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