A New Camera

Well, I’ve already got one thing on my wish list – a new camera – though it isn’t an SLR. The guy at Hunt’s talked me into a more capable (expensive) point-and-shoot – a Panasonic Lumix LX100. I haven’t been able to play around with it too much, so I haven’t figured out if it is worth the price differential over other point-and-shoots. I’m actually agonizing over this, but pretty soon the decision will be made for me since the 30 day return period is coming to an end.

The main reason I went with this camera over an SLR is because it is more portable. I want something I can grab and go.

Hands down it is much better in low light settings without a flash than my previous point-and-shoot. (By the way, the quality of the images will improve if you click on the thumbnails.)

I think I will have fun with the macro setting once I figure out how to use it both effectively and artistically. You don’t know how many shots I took of that silly pine cone on top of the chocolate mousse cake that my sister-in-law made me take home. Which I ate.

I also like the fact that I can set the aperture to “clean up” the background. I’ll explain the background in a future post.

I also attempted some outdoor shots. I can’t say I’m wild about these. Maybe it’s the lighting. Unfortunately, the lighting won’t change for another 90 days or so. Or maybe I had the settings wrong. It might be me not getting the hang of focusing. Could be the camera. Or maybe it’s the subjects.

I like this one the best. Could be the change of subjects who were more tolerant of me.


I dunno. Do I keep it? Unfortunately, I might be over my 200 test photo limit.

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5 Responses

  1. CC says:

    I thought your geekiness was limited to MITRE type things but now I know your geekiness knows no bounds ?

  2. joanne says:

    Definitely a keeper. These are the mirrorless cameras…so very small but takes great pictures. Perfect for you! Costco sells them though – you might be able to get a better price!

  3. Sharon says:

    I have a Panasonic Lumix F24 that we bought a couple of years ago…love it….Keep it !!

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