Another Writing Project
You can blame all of this on Meagan. She is the one who got me started.
Back when I first left my job, she sent me a job posting that she thought might interest me. I forget exactly what the job was, but I did have some back and forth with the person who had posted about the job. During our back and forth, she asked me if I had a couple of creative writing samples I could send her.
Since I didn’t think that most of the technical reports I had written over the course of my thirty year career could be considered creative by any stretch of the imagination, I sat down and came up with a couple new samples.
The job never materialized, but now I had these writing samples that I had a surprising amount of fun writing and that I wanted to do something with. So I started a blog.
The other thing to note about the job post that Meagan shared with me is that it came from a Facebook group of Wellesley alumnae that I had been unaware of previously.
Oh my, what an interesting group with all kinds of interesting subgroups. They are the primary reason I love Facebook. Actually, they might be the only reason I love Facebook.
Anita, one of the members of this group and one of my new Internet friends, formed a writing group that I joined where we respond to weekly writing prompts and critique each other’s responses. And I’ve been enjoying reading a lot of those responses. So much so that I thought some of them should be published.
So, Anita and I are now the proud editors of a new on-line publication, Lake Waban Blue. It might be a couple weeks or so before we actually publish a story, but I hope some of you follow along through Medium, Facebook, or Twitter.
And you know who to blame.
Since I think this is awesome I will take full blame/credit for this 🙂
Join us as a writer!