Arts & Crafts

I’ve added all kinds of little projects to my to do list since I’ve been home. One of those projects was to do something with the coffee table. The top of it was driving me crazy. (So many things do.) 




The “after” looks better than the “before”.  Right?  Please say right.

I did some hunting around to figure out how to do this.  In one video, a woman says it is not suppose to be perfect.  Do you know how hard it is to perfect imperfection?  Of course, there is a dime sized mistake that I couldn’t figure out how to fix right under that red platter.

I needed something called “glaze” to do this, and when I picked it up at the paint store, I noticed a product that can be used to paint countertops to make them look like granite.  Should I go for it?

Where is this all going in terms of a career?  I figure with my burgeoning expertise in home maintenance, finance, and photography, I’ll be flipping houses in a month.

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3 Responses

  1. I love it!!!! Your next career should be a comedienne! You are making me smile, big time.

  2. Thanks Michelle, but my daughter just asked me, in all seriousness, why I’m not funny in real life. I don’t think I’d make it as a stand up. 🙂

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