August Vacation

We aren’t quite done with August, but this month’s summary is going to focus on our vacation at the Lake.

Every day was pretty much the same. A lot of floating, boating, eating, drinking, and lawn game playing in the sun. So rather than cover the day-to-day specifics, I’ll cover the people in primarily a photo essay.

Nieces and Nephews

Dave and I are lucky to be able to say we enjoy all of our nieces and nephews. They are all good kids. (Are they still kids if some of them are in their 30’s?) Over vacation, we got to spend time with Dave Jr. and Liv, Amber and Tyler, and Lauren and Craig.

Dave loves his cousins, his brothers-in-law (who are his best friends), and his new nephew. He also loves brainstorming new business schemes with my husband while floating in the water. Thank goodness they don’t get much past the brainstorming stage.

Lauren and Amber are thrilled and comfortable in their roles as mothers. Amber smiles and laughs at every little thing TJ does, and Lauren has us rolling on the floor with some of the comments she makes to Jacob (e.g., post tantrum – “I don’t want to talk to you right now.”)


My brother Dave and I are …. different. But we’ve been pretty much in synch this summer. He dug up a bush that I’ve been wanting to pull up but haven’t had the heart to since my mother really liked it. And he put up a clothesline (by enlisting help from Nicole’s boyfriend on a rickety ladder that should be thrown away but is now back stored in the garage.) I’m not quite sure why, but I actually don’t object to the clothesline.

We also both enjoy our grandsons.


Jake will soon be 3 years old, and TJ will soon be 3 months old. Caleb sits in the middle. We definitely had some cuteness overload this vacation.


Dave got stung by a hornet during vacation. The kids gave him a couple hours of sympathy. I gave him about 10 minutes. The next morning I told him I was happy to see he survived the night. For the next couple of days, he kept googling hornets and was convinced they were after him. (We are back at the lake this weekend, and he is still talking about the hornets.)

Somehow, we manage.


I don’t mean to give you the impression that everything is perfect. There are tensions. But I love being with my kids, and I love seeing them together. They care deeply for each other and do what they can to support each other – except for when one provides a clue while playing Codenames that another deems a poor choice. Then all bets are off.


Caleb is now a year and a half old. He is much more a little boy than a baby. Spending a solid week with him allowed me to get to know him in his latest stage of development. This photo exemplifies that latest stage:

He is working on his tantrums and is getting pretty good at them. He also gets a little smirk on his face and looks at you side-eyed when he knows he is doing something wrong and is waiting to see what kind of reaction he is going to get out of you. When he gets that reaction, he laughs. And then tries again.

He also became expert at opening the door from the kitchen to the garage over the course of vacation.

The day care he attends has taught him some ASL, and he is very good at signing the following:

  • I want food. (Used all the time.)
  • I want milk. (Used often.)
  • I want more. (Used often.)
  • I’m all done. (Used occasionally.)

He remains the happiest of babies and is comfortable with us all.


Of course there were dogs there. Several, at times. One of three floats survived.



This happened after vacation, but I’m including it because Bobby – a friend of Heather’s from college – has become an avid reader of the blog, and he told me he would be upset if I didn’t include him in my “monthly write-up”. Bobby was in Boston on business from Texas, we were visiting Nicole, and Heather was in LA.


I’m all caught up with my monthly write-ups. I can’t promise there will be a September write-up, but eventually I know I’ll have the urge to write about something.

And just two more pics before I go.

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