Category: Politics


Quotes from the Persistent One

It’s a little alarming how much I’ve been hanging out with people lately.  People I don’t even know. And I’m learning their names. I think I’ve learned more names over the past few weeks...



Guys. I’ve been going to meetings. With people. That is just so far outside my comfort zone. The first one was a virtual town hall with Niki Tsongas. Virtual meaning it took place over...


Republican Senators Have To Go

As a result of these confirmation hearings, I have developed a deep loathing for Mitch McConnell and the Republican Senators. Oh, how I would love to “nevertheless” McConnell. The New York Times is maintaining...


She Persisted

She read a letter written by Senator Ted Kennedy. He told her to play nice. She read a letter written by Coretta Scott King. He told her to shut up. She was called for the...


Voice Your Truth

I’d like to start this post with a quote from Harry Belafonte (soon to be 90) as reported in the New York Times today (in an article sent to me by my mother): It’s...


Towards Civic Engagement

Do you know who your members of Congress are? It’s easy to find out. Go to this page to find your senators. Go to this page to find your representative. Once you...