Category: Yard


Help in the Yard

Last weekend, I planted flowers. Meagan helped. These two did not: This weekend, Dave helped me by transplanting a bush. (Yes.) To the exact spot that I specifically pointed out to him and marked....


Pretty Shady

Well, I’m ready to move again.  And it’s not because of the snow, or ice, or deer.  It’s because of the shade. The solar company figured out we only get sun on the roof...


Mix and Match

I’ve been obsessed with the yard the past few days. I’ve been moving bushes around like crazy. It all started with that tree I had removed. I needed to put something in that spot....



Time for baseball and yard work, even if the weather begs to differ. My Driveway March 9 My Backyard April 1 Me Being Stubborn Though the forsythias seem to be making an effort. I...


A Teaching Moment

I often start conversations with my kids with “I read this article”.  That usually elicits a groan from them, so I’ll take my conversation starter here. I read this article entitled What Would it Teach...