Child Labor

The girls are going to see Beyonce again, and Nicole owes me for her ticket. So, I’ve been having her work around the house and yard. So far she has washed cabinets, cleaned the porch, brought out patio furniture, done some weeding, raked moss, and watered the flowers and the recently transplanted bushes.

I am loving it.

She is not.

When I ask her to do a particular task, her usual question is “Why?”

Today, I had her shovel up some crushed stone we had foolishly put in along the street a few years ago in an attempt to keep it neat after plow damage. (Did I mention I am having more and more of a problem with the winters?)

Before you go thinking I’m a mean mother, I only have her work for an hour at a time, and she usually requires a break at some point during that hour.

And the past couple of nights, this is how we end the hour.

Unfortunately, there are only six more hours to go until that concert ticket is paid off.

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3 Responses

  1. Joanne says:

    Tell her that I was changing beds and cleaning toilets for days at a time at the local, seedy motel at her age. Actually even younger. So tell her she can get to work.

    Love, mean aunt jo

  2. How is it possible that there are only 6 more hours until that ticket is paid off? Are you paying her Seattle wages??? Is Beyonce singing down at the local 7-11?

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