A while back, I replaced the door knob on my mother-in-law’s front door. It was quite an ordeal and resulted in the door needing a fresh coat of paint.
The problem has been picking a color.
I am always in awe of people who know what they are doing when it comes to paint colors. When they say a color is warm or cool or has, for example, a red undertone, I have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. Other than that black and blue dress, I have no confidence when it comes to colors. When picking color combinations, my first choice is to rely on an expert. If there isn’t an expert available, I go with vendor recommendations or reader polls.
With that in mind, I picked up a Behr brochure of exterior color combinations during one of my many trips to Home Depot (the only shopping I enjoy is at hardware stores). I gave the brochure to Dave with specific instructions for his next visit to his mother’s, which he did not follow. So, with brochure in hand, I went there a couple weekends ago and did my best to match the siding color with a body color chip in the brochure.
This is the combination with a chip that came the closest:
Now, there is only one small problem.
While working on the door I noticed there was some rust on the interior side. Since I knew exactly where the left over paint was in the garage, I found some Rustoleum and a can marked “Family Room Trim”.
Since the family room is right next to the front door, I hoped for the best.
Hopes are often dashed, aren’t they?
Currently, the color of the center portion of the door doesn’t quite match the color of the side panels or the trim in the staircase.
To be continued…
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