Coming Up For Air

DSCN0804.JPG - Version 2Since my last post, I’ve gone down a rabbit hole of going through and organizing 590.7 GB of video on our hard drive. (Don’t worry, I won’t share any of that video here.)

It has taken me days. And by days, I mean just about every waking minute of those days.

Most of the video was in his account.

He has this thing about deleting files. Meaning, he doesn’t. For instance, there are 1,947 messages in his inbox. 1,492 of them are unread. I’m not exaggerating. I just looked it up. And he likes to keep duplicate copies of files. So he had an 11 GB file called  Crusaders Basketball 2008 2009 as well as an 11 GB file called Crusaders Basketball 2008 2009 v2.

He also has this thing about updating software. He doesn’t think it’s a good idea. So, we have videos in iDVD, which Apple last released in 2009, and videos linked to four different versions of iMovie, two of which are no longer compatible with our operating system.

And some of the songs that go with those videos are from other people’s iTunes accounts, like from Heather’s old account, soccergirl, and her friend’s account, xoerin. Surprisingly enough, this computer is no longer authorized to play songs from those accounts.

Of course, he deserves full credit for taking all that video in the first place. And spending very late nights putting it together into movies that were a lot of fun to watch (and still are) and that we DO NOT WANT to lose.

I think I’ve gotten it all into good shape, and I’m ready to move on.

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