False Equivalence

First, let me ask you this. Did you see that press conference today? Oh my. How can anyone possibly feel comfortable with him as President? Seriously. If you haven’t seen any of it, please take a look for it. Read some of the analysis. Unbelievable.

But back to what I originally wanted to bring to your attention. A couple days ago, a  political cartoonist came up with a cartoon based on a Normal Rockwell painting of Ruby Bridges. Here is the original painting entitled The Problem We All Live With:

In the new drawing, the cartoonist shows Betsy DeVos in the place of Ruby Bridges.

You’ve heard of the phrase “false equivalence”? Maybe you know of some examples. There’ve been a few recently.

This is an example of false equivalence.

In no way, shape, or form is the situation of Betsy DeVos comparable to the situation faced by Ruby Bridges.

I invite you to read This is ‘The Problem We All Live With by Connie Shultz who writes 

“So like Ruby Bridges,” says absolutely no one familiar with civil rights history in this country.

I highly recommend following her on Facebook and/or Twitter. And I also recommend supporting her husband Sherrod Brown who is up for re-election in 2018.

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