Getting into the Christmas Spirit

I suppose I should be Christmas shopping. I tried to do that yesterday and quickly became annoyed. It started when I was in front of a cashier at a store in Nashua and I realized I had left my credit card at a restaurant in Peabody.

So, today, I pulled out the chain saw.

Due to the Thanksgiving Eve storm, we had a birch tree from the neighbor’s yard snap into our yard.





While the chain saw was humming away and I was deep in thought, I recalled my interior decorator (back when I could afford an interior decorator) had suggested I buy birch logs for a copper-like tub thingy that I have. I brought the tub outside and filled it with trimmed pieces from the birch tree.


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You should have seen me out there laughing and giggling because I was so tickled pink with myself.

With that accomplishment under my belt, I’m up for a little Christmas shopping. From my computer.

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1 Response

  1. Mom says:

    Yours look better!

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