Kitchen and Dining Room

Before I get to the kitchen and dining room, let me talk about the carpets. If you recall, cleaning the carpets is the only thing my brother wanted to do to get the condo ready for listing. Both the realtor and I were a little skeptical.

Here is what my carpet cleaner managed to do:


Carpet – Before


Carpet – After

They even got out the rust stain that I had caused by placing the ice chipper in the middle of the room out of the way of the painters.

Now for the kitchen:

Kitchen - Before

Kitchen – Before

IMG_7897 IMG_7898 IMG_7903
Notes: New knobs ($50 – very cheap), spray painted light fixture ($7.50), new appliances ($1500, installed), a few items on loan from my  house, and clutter removed.

Now the dining room:


Dining Room – Before



Notes: Light fixture ($0, he carted it on the plane from his other home), accessories on loan from my house, clutter removed, and turkey safely downstairs in finished basement.

I almost caused one near disaster that I will fill you in on once my brother sees that there is no permanent or visible damage. Except for the owner’s manuals and the towel that were destroyed. (Donald, don’t tell.)

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2 Responses

  1. Debbie says:

    Mich-maybe you can the realtor to put the turkey outside holding the Open House sign. I bet many people will stop by just to see what’s the deal with the turkey!!!!!!!!

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