New Year’s Resolution


We are almost ten months into the year, and I’m finally going to make good on my New Year’s resolution.  This is my first (and maybe last) pachyderm post where I state my opinion on various (though far from all) political and social issues.

Here goes.

I’ve written once or twice or thrice about women’s issues, so you know those are important to me. We may all be on the same playing field, but we are playing by different rules.  This includes the Likability Penalty – the more competent a woman is, the less likable she is judged to be.

I also believe racism is a problem in this country. There are far too many incarcerations and deaths of young African American men. Prejudice has so many negative impacts, including on health. Many people take issue with the statement “Black Lives Matter” because they interpret it as “Only Black Lives Matter”. I interpret it as “Black Lives Also Matter”. I don’t think we need reminding that white lives matter, but too many of us need reminding that black lives matter. So, I’m good with the statement.

I haven’t written about LGBT issues, but I have been reading various articles, and I’ve learned a few interesting facts. First, human sexuality is a spectrum, not a binary value, and gender identity (which does not necessarily match biological gender) starts forming in the toddler years. Being considered different by society is hard, and it takes a certain strength to deal with societal judgements. I wish well to all the Caitlyns out there.

Related to that, I support same sex marriage. After attending two weddings this summer, I have been reminded of what a celebration they are. Everyone should have the right to celebrate.

Children. One word sums up all that is wrong with the way we, as a society, take care of our children: Bella. Unfortunately there are so many other single words that also represent the problem. Some of you may look at my children and say, with some judgement in your voice, they have everything. That’s right. They do. And every child deserves what they have. Protection, encouragement, education, support, love. After Sandy Hook, President Obama (yes, I like him) said, “We are all parents. They are all our children. This is our first task. Caring for our children. That’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged.”

And on to gun control. Most certainly yes. If you are a hardened criminal or would be in a position to claim insanity as your defense in a murder trial, you really shouldn’t have a gun. And no one needs a semi automatic weapon.

Gun control does not mean gun abolition. If you are into deer hunting, I’m okay with that. Since I eat meat, it would be hypocritical of me to state otherwise. I’ve watched Food, Inc and Forks Over Knives (both available on Netflix, Amazon, iTunes and probably elsewhere). Deer hunting doesn’t even come close to the top of the animal cruelty list. If you are a vegetarian, I’ll listen to your objections.

Getting back to an Obama-related topic – health care. I can’t claim I fully understand Obamacare or the arguments for or against it. I do feel, however, everyone should have access to affordable health care.

Mental health issues have impacted my own family. I’ve touched upon Nicole’s struggles with depression here, here, and here. With each of those posts, I had to overcome the fear of conveying too much information and wondering what retribution there might be. I (we, actually) had to ignore the stigma associated with mental illness. It should be okay to talk about it. It should be okay to seek help. And help should be available.

Nicole is in her senior year now and will be submitting college applications this fall. We are fortunate enough to have the cost of a college education for her planned for in our budget. Some kids aren’t so lucky. Student debt is becoming an increasing problem. As I said above, every kid deserves an education. This is another playing field that needs to be leveled.

Do you know which candidate supports the above issues? Hillary Clinton. Yes, I will be voting for her. Unfortunately, she has to deal with that Likability Penalty. In many of the articles I’ve read in the Boston Globe, the writers have commented on her failure to connect with voters, her campaign’s failure to humanize her, her keeping voters at arm’s length, and her not being polite. I expect better of you, Globe. A Wellesley alum, a former First Lady, a former Senator, and a former Secretary of State, yet you choose to comment on her lack of warmth.

I’ll comment on one more issue that has been of national importance. The Patriots. They are not cheaters. They are just that good. So get over it.

I don’t know why it was so difficult for me to write this post. Part of the reason is because I know some of you, from your social media accounts, disagree with me. But we both should be able to state our opinions. Second, I don’t give any answers to resolving the issues. Another reason is because there are so many issues that I’m not commenting on. And I’m embarrassed to say there are so many issues I am ignorant of. And finally, I still don’t feel I’ve gone far enough with the above. I’m still not pachyderm enough.

But I’m glad I got the little that I did down on “paper”.

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8 Responses

  1. Deb says:

    And you’re not running for any political office WHY????? I’d love to wear a T-shirt that says VOTE FOR MY SISTER-IN-LAW !!!!!

  2. jverkuilen says:

    Very well put on all accounts…I agree with everything. But you missed a major topic: Religion (not to be confused with spirituality)!

    • I’ve missed a lot of major issues. But, since you asked, here are my thoughts on religion. Everyone has a right to their own religious beliefs and to live by them. But no one is entitled to condemn others for not sharing those beliefs.

  3. Aileen P. says:

    You are KILLIN IT Mrs. Moody!

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