Are We In A Fight?
Deb and Jim visited us for a few days in Jupiter. Here is a little insight into our time together.
Paso Robles
A tasting room, four wineries, two speakeasies, a distillery, a pair of ASICS, and some leftovers. What a trip.
Return and Come In
Here’s a post where I might not come across very well. It’s about my tennis, pickleball, and golf (mis)adventures. There is a chance you will only find this post interesting if you are fanatical about one or more of those three sports.
Forever Lucy
My quest to organize and declutter the cellar continues. If you recall, I talked about this back when we were eagerly awaiting Caleb’s arrival. Part of that decluttering process has included going through old...
The Heritage Project
Twenty two years ago, when Meagan was in the 4th grade at Swallow Union Elementary, she and the other 4th graders each completed a heritage project. The projects culminated in a slide presentation one...
August Vacation
We aren’t quite done with August, but this month’s summary is going to focus on our vacation at the Lake. Every day was pretty much the same. A lot of floating, boating, eating, drinking,...
July Highlights
I’m on a roll! With these highlights from July, I’m almost caught up to real time. The 4th Guess who started off the month? Caleb did! Meagan and Chris decided at the last minute...