
What is undone in the fall is redone in the spring. Like the bushes. And the dock. And the shower floor. The bushes were the only thing that didn’t require human involvement. They did just fine on...


More College Visits

We visited a couple more colleges last week. It was really just an excuse to visit Meagan and take a family mini-vacation. We saw some sites – which are actually stunning in person. We...


Human Development

Nicole is taking a Human Development class, and she needed my input on a class assignment. I thought our text exchange might be nice to share on Mother’s Day. Now, I discussed this text...


Phone Calls and Meetings

Over the past month I’ve called, scheduled, and met with: An auto mechanic (3 times for a car other than my own – tire, brakes, and now there are lights that are showing up on the...


Layers, Part II

In the United States, women hold 19.2 percent of S&P board seats. A lot of people think this is a little odd, and there is increasing pressure on corporations to come closer to balancing...


Fridge Salad

Dave recently “celebrated” a birthday, and while we are well past buying each other gifts, I did decide to make a nice dinner. Spinach & Kale Bites (Trader Joe’s) for appetizers, Orange-Glazed Salmon with...


College Visits

I’m experiencing another last. This time it is looking at colleges. Since each of the girls have their own unique interests and personalities, each round of visits has involved going to new colleges. Between the...


Time Savers

I still glance through the obituaries in the Globe, and I came across one for Peggy Freydberg, 107. She was a poet, and this poem of hers resonated with me: Blizzard It takes courage to...


The Younger Generation

You have probably gotten the sense that I am proud of my three daughters. But I am also proud of my nieces and nephews. The two third graders have personalities that make them predestined...