Plan B

Foolish question – When does Plan A ever go into effect?

My Plan A was to go up to the Lake and spend the day there.

Plan B became hosting dinner for 19.


Last year after one of these pasta parties, Nicole tweeted “Soccer girls eat a lot.” That tweet got picked up and was retweeted a ridiculous number of times.


Because it’s true.

They were lining up with their plates even before I had the food off the stove.

Speaking of which, Plan A within Plan B was the sausages and meatballs heating up in the oven while the two pots of pasta and two sauces were on the stove.

Then my oven died.

Plan B.b: Sausages, meatballs, and pasta on stove. Sauces in microwave.

I did manage to coax the oven into toasting the garlic bread.

They were an eat-and-run kind of group. Dinner was over by 5:15. But they did an awesome job of picking up, and I heard more than 20 sincere thank yous (multiple from Nicole). I also overheard one girl say “Moody, you’re having all of the pasta parties.”

My new Plan A – head up to the Lake on Friday.

By the way, Copper helped herself to some of the pasta and contributed to clean up duties by getting on the table. I’d like to come up with a Plan B for that dog.

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