Pretty Shady

Well, I’m ready to move again.  And it’s not because of the snow, or ice, or deer.  It’s because of the shade.

  1. The solar company figured out we only get sun on the roof 66% of the time, which is not enough to install a solar system and get an ROI in any reasonable amount of time.
  2. We’ve raked a mountain of moss out of our lawn, and we aren’t done yet.
  3. I spent almost an entire day power washing the mildew off the patio, and it could use another wash.
  4. You know how I mentioned I liked forsythias? (The neatly trimmed ones, not the messy ones.) Specifically, it’s their yellow flowers in the spring that I like.  Here is the extent of the flowers on my forsythias:
On the other hand, there could be worse spots to be:
So I guess I’ll do some more plant swapping in the fall.

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