Quarter of a Century
As of today, I have been a mother for 25 years.
I’ll try to keep from waxing poetic on being a mother. There is no way I could do the experience justice. I’ll simply say it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, and it’s also the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I get my biggest sense of accomplishment from it, and, at the same time, it is a frequent source of self-doubt and second guessing. They amaze me, and I don’t know what I would do without them.
But, enough of that.
On this anniversary, I figured I’d share some of the conversations I remember from each time I became a mother.
Overheard at Fenway, “I didn’t know pregnant women could be so hot.” Okay, so I had to share that one.
Dave, repeatedly during delivery #1, “Can I get you anything?”
Me, “No.”
Me, eventually, “Can I have some ice chips?”
Dave, “I ate them all.”
My mother, after being informed she was in the actual delivery room, “Well, I’m not staying.” She stayed.
Dave, on the way home from the hospital, “Meagan, look at the cows.” I know I previously mentioned that one. But it made an impression on me.
The doctor, after I told him my back hurt when I picked up my two-year-old, “Well, stop picking up your two-year-old.” Upon which I gave him my wither-and-die stare.
The nurse, during delivery #2, “Do you regret taking the Demerol?” Upon which I gave her my wither-and-die stare.
Doctor, “Would you look at the thighs on that baby.”
Meagan, after I explained the logistics of childbirth to her, “That baby is too big to come out of that hole.”
Meagan, a few days later, “Put that baby back in.”
Meagan, “The baby is crying.”
Me, as I continued drinking my coffee, “I know.”
Meagan, as she gets up from the breakfast table with a disgusted look on her face, “Don’t worry Heavver, I’m coming.”
Doctor, during office visit, “You’ve gained a lot of weight since your last visit.” You guessed it. Wither-and-die stare.
Nurse practitioner during office visit, “I wonder if we are missing a breech.”
Doctor, during delivery #3, “The baby is breech, and we are going to have to do a C-secction.”
Me, “What do you mean?”
Me, to Dave, as I’m being wheeled into the OR, “Did you give Chris the keys to the house?”
Dave, “Why would I do that?”
Because she was bringing our kids back to the house to sleep.
Not an actual conversation, but worth noting was the way Heather doted on and adored the baby while at the same time giving us her wither-and-die stare for also doting on and adoring the baby. Wonder where she got that look from?
Happy birthday Meagan!
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I remember birth #3 well